Practice Time at Divas, I am here to give you a run down about what it's all about and to give you the 'how to', because for any new student, it is scary and it might be a little bit confusing and intimidating.
At our studios, we have allocated Practice Time sessions that you can book into as a student, Divas or non-divas! Majority are unsupervised and only gives you the space to do your own training, amongst other Dedicated Divas! Training is at your own risk so we encourage you to practice what you know and feel comfortable training,we want you and others around you to remain safe. Your fellow Dedicated Divas are extremely friendly and kind, so don’t ever be afraid to ask for help or say hi to one another, alternatively you can also head to the desk to ask your friendly Desk Diva for any help you need.
We do have some Practice Time Etiquette that you need to be aware of, see below:
Please bring two towels, one for your sweat and another for the apparatus
Be mindful of your personal hygiene in our shared space
Please be considerate of your fellow Dedicated Divas and instructors when using the stereo or turning on the house lights, always ask first or ask your Desk Diva
Have spatial awareness so you don’t harm others in practice, this is also respectful of the share space
There are a couple options you to pay for Practice Time
If you’re a 2+ Class Member, practice time is unlimited for free
If you’re a 1 Class Member, you can purchase unlimited practice time for $80. This is also valid at any location if you're an active member at another location.
If you’re a visiting student, all practice time sessions are $15
We do require all students to sign a waiver before heading into practice time, this is for everybody’s safety. Click here to read and sign waiver before your next Practice Time session.
Overall, practice time is a great way for you to increase your increase on your own; going over tricks and combos you’ve learnt in class or running choreography for an upcoming competition or even doing your own prehab or rehab exercises, whatever it may be, the practice is a huge benefit to you!