Practice, Privates, Studio Hire & Guest Instructors
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Improve your skills outside of class with Practice time at Pole & Aerial Divas. Practice time is a great way to perfect tricks you’ve learned in class or work on a routine. Visit the Pole Divas App to view your local studios schedule
- $15 per session - anyone over the age of 17+ who identifies as a woman is welcome to practice at Pole & Aerial Divas. You do not need to be a current student
- All members on a 2 class per week membership or more is entitled to free practice time at their home studio
Any of our Pole & Aerial studios can be hired privately during our regular opening hours. Please contact your local studio to arrange.
1 hour for $60
3 x 1-hour pack for $120
Training for a competition? Enjoy the luxury of having a dedicated competition space all to yourself with no other poles in the way. The comp spaces have either 2x stainless steel 45mm poles OR 2x brass 40mm poles that are regularly changed according to the competition season. The competition space is the best place to train your upcoming routines for competitions such as Pole Addiction, Unleashed, Miss Pole Dance Victoria, Miss Pole Dance Australia, MX Pole, Frisk, Debut and more! For bookings, contact the Reservoir, Ringwood or Point Cook studios directly.
Rates for private lessons vary between instructors. Please get in touch with the instructor you wish to work with directly or their home studio to find out their rates and book in.
You must have a valid studio hire to book a private lesson with one of our instructors.
Studio hires are $60 per hour or 3 x 1 hour sessions for $120
You must then pay the instructor fee on top of the studio hire rate. This is paid directly to the instructor and starts at a minimum of $60 per hour.
A private lesson can be shared with up to 3 people maximum.
If you have 4 or more people - you must book a group private. This is booked through the studio directly and costs $40 per person for 1 hour. Please contact your local studio for availability.
Guest Instructor Studio Hire
To teach workshops at any Pole or Aerial Divas location you must have your own public liability insurance. A copy of your certificate of insurance must be provided to the studio upon booking the workshop.
Cost to host workshops at Pole & Aerial Divas
- Studio hire fee of $100 for up to 1.5 hours
- 15% of revenue made from the workshop/workshops
What we provide for this fee
- A receptionist to open and close the studio and provide admin, first aid and any other support required on the day of your workshop
- Social media graphics for promotion
- Access to our student base to promote your workshop via our Facebook Student Groups, email marketing, Pole Divas Facebook and Instagram marketing
- A state-of-the-art pole or aerial studio, studio specs can be found in our full guide here
What we require from you
- You manage and take bookings yourself. This can be through a booking platform or via Instagram/Email/Facebook
- You provide us with promotional images/videos for us to create posts with
Our full guest instructor guide can be accessed here please email info@poledivas.com.au to discuss availability
Studio Hire for a Photo or Video Shoot
- COST $100 per hour
- TERMS - hire fee to be paid upon booking the studio. No refund if the booking is canceled within 24 hours of the hire time.
- CONDITIONS The use of the studio hire must be communicated with Pole Divas when making the booking. Pole Divas reserves the right not to accept the booking if it is deemed a conflict of interest with the Pole Divas group, or not in line with our branding guidelines.
- If the imagery created in the hire session is used on-line, Pole Divas studio is to be credited. The studio must be left neat and tidy and all equipment put back where it was originally. E.g. lights, mats, etc.