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Welcome to Aerial Hoop/Lyra at Divas
We cannot wait to introduce you to the world of circus fitness. We totally understand that starting something like aerial fitness can be super scary and intimidating but we are here to help and guide you so that when you walk through our doors for the first time, you feel as prepared as possible.

First off, just to put any confusion to bed, aerial hoop and Lyra are the exact same thing. Lyra is just the formal circus name for aerial hoop. Lyra is a performance art using a steel hoop that hangs from the ceiling. Lyra tricks can be done under the hoop, within the hoop or above the hoop.
Although "Aerial Hoop" might be more commonly used in some places, "Aerial Lyra" is a term that highlights the same beautiful and versatile apparatus. At Aerial Divas, we really love to spin into all our tricks as it looks so pretty!!!! If you’re worried about getting dizzy, don’t stress. We start off super chill to build up your spin tolerance.
Lyra at Aerial Divas
Aerial Divas was created as alternative form of fitness to your standard gym workouts. Our training is skills based and that’s what makes it so addictive.
● Increase your strength and endurance as your learn to lift your entire body up into the Lyra and work towards exciting and fun combos
● Improve your general mobility as you discover new and wonderful ways to move and flex your body
● Lyra requires focus, concentration and attention to detail which means you get to work out your mind at the same time as working out your body.
Due to the nature of Pole & Aerial fitness, you will find that while you work out, everything else in your life melts away. There isn’t any mental space left to think about the day-to-day stresses. It’s an hour just for you.

● Be taught by a team of talented instructors whose passion is teaching beginners just like you
● 1 person per Lyra. You never have to share your equipment with another student.
● State of the art aerial rigs and the latest safety equipment to ensure a soft landing every time
● Our Lyra's are adjustable in height so you can learn your tricks low to the ground and feel super safe before you start adding height to your new-found skill
● Our aerial apparatuses can take more load than humanly possible so there is no need to worry about being 'too heavy' to give Lyra a try
There is NO pre-requisite requirement to start Lyra. You do not need to be flexible or have any baseline fitness. Come along and get fit the fun way with Aerial Divas.

Where do I start?

Beginner Lyra
● 8-week progressive course
● Learn the basics of Lyra, including knee hangs, spins under the bar, and poses within the Lyra
● Continue in beginners until you feel confident in the graded content
● Complete a grading during class with your instructor to move on to Intermediate
Our Lyra course can be started at any time throughout the term. There is no need to wait for a new term to start.